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Facts about animal cruelty in the cosmetic world

(content warning, mentions of animal torture)

Despite great progress over the past thirty years, animals continue to suffer in laboratories all over the world in tests required by governments for ingredients used in cosmetics. These tests include dripping cosmetics chemicals into animals’ eyes, shaving their fur and rubbing them into their exposed skin or forcing them down their throats. Once the tests are over, the animals will be killed and dissected.

Animal tests are increasingly being replaced with quicker, cheaper and more reliable non-animal methods. These modern methods are more relevant to humans and have been found to predict human reactions better than the traditional outdated animal tests. Alternative methods are tests that use simple organisms like bacteria, or tissues and cells from humans (vitro tests), and sophisticated computer models or chemical methods (in silico and in chemico tests).

Sadly, despite the availability of non-animal methods and many thousands of ingredients already considered as safe, as well as clear opposition from the public, countless animals are still subjected to cruel tests around the world for ingredients used in cosmetics.

Over the past 30 years, public pressure to end the testing of cosmetics on animals has been growing and following decades of tireless campaigning by Cruelty Free International and our partners, the European Union prohibited the testing of cosmetics products on animals in 2004. In 2009, it prohibited tests for cosmetics ingredients and, finally, in 2013 it prohibited the sale of cosmetics that had been tested on animals. The EU’s approach became the blueprint for regulatory change in countries around the world, like India, Israel and New Zealand. Since then, more and more countries and states in the USA and Brazil have adopted similar laws.

In a global market it is important for all countries to end animal testing for cosmetics. We believe that manufacturing and buying cruelty free cosmetics is the responsible and ethical thing to do. And it is what consumers all over the world want.


What we do:

  • We give a percentage of our sales to organizations who go against animal-cruelty and fight for their rights.

  • Help animals, in the wild or not, to live their best lives.

  • We share information and facts about the movement so more people can join us and start helping the right way!


What you can do:

  • Follow us on our social media so you can always be updated about our fight against animal cruelty.

  • Buy any product you can so a percentage of it can go to a suffering animal.

  • Check out our running campaign on social media!

"Blush & Bloom is an start-up business that started at 2023-2024 by a group of friends and teammates created with love,affection and plenty of research for the animal cruelty in the cosmetic industry. We want to provide the best products, affordable for every pocket and made with quality, love and purity. All our ingredients are natural, not tested to animals and made out of sustainable natural resources!"
We hope you enjoy your "browsing trip" in our crueltry-free and vegan brand
Blush and Bloom Team!
Blue Flower
Blue Flower
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